Hi guys.
Several months ago, I had the project to "create" a replica of the ROTJ v1 helmet (and on the same way, the ESB Mk2)
Thus I managed to copy a CAP helmet kit (I asked Chris before and he agreed). I know that it's still recasting and bad, it's why I didn't make a business with these helmets. It wasn't the plan.
It was more in order to have a "new" helmet (new shape) and mainly for friends. And of course, try the vacuum forming in "home made" style.
I tested several plastic (PETG, 3mm mate white ABS, 2 mm pinseal biscuit ABS, 2mm and 3 mm gloss HIPS).
Here are some finished helmets (I had several rejected pulls which finished into ANH/ESB helmets).
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Essentially pinseal ABS and 3mm HIPS (yes, it's thick but damn strong!!!)