My name is Geir. Living on Hoth (Oslo, Norway)
Started my Astromech building in mid 2010 and are getting close to having my R2 unit up and running.
Received my ATA kit the other day and are thinking of making one Stormtrooper. And I want to make one Sandtrooper as well.
I know I should have made a Snow Trooper where I am living but I dream of being deployed in a warmer system
Was lucky to be a Imperial Support on Nordic Garrisons participation on the Oslo Philharmonic's Star Wars concert now in
January. And was totally convinced that this is what I want to be a part of. As a serious Star Wars fan in my young days.
Misplaced my devotion for a few decades
. Now back crazier then ever.
Looking forward to getting my two armor ready for next happening
And thanks for all help and support so far!